Monday, October 27, 2008

The real history of Tollers

Here is what they want you to believe about Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Tollers.

The Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever is one of the most unusual breeds of gundog, at least in terms of how the dog works. The hunter stays hidden in a blind and sends the dog out to romp and play near the water, usually by tossing a ball or stick to be retrieved. The dog's activity and white markings pique the curiosity of waterfowl, who swim over to investigate. The act of enticing or luring game to approach is known as "tolling".

Now it is my belief that this a fabricated story to cover up for a Canadian experiment that went drastically wrong. It is a cover up of a plan to build Toll roads all across Canada and have the Toll booths manned by a super breed of dogs. For some reason the experiment went wrong and to cover up mistakes the Canadian government created a story about the breed and then paid off various breeders to enforce the story.

But in the end what came out was a wonderful dog who loves to run from person to person to person. We of course are led to believe that it is for affection, but what they are really wanting to do is take money from each person. It is a Tolling trait that will probably never be fully eliminated from the breed.

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